Top 10 home remedies to remove pimples naturally and permanently At Home [new method]

how to get rid of pimples overnight before after

How To Get Rid of Pimples OvernightPimples are the most common skin issues that might attack you at any age and to anyone. Usually, bacteria and dust or any allergic reaction cause pimples to appear on the face or any part of the skin. However, some people can’t sort out the basic reason to get rid of it but you can use simple remedies to remove the pimples overnight.

We all have different zones on our faces which are more prone to pimple attack and thus reappear with time. Most embarrassing is the nose pimples.

So now don’t get upset if you have pimple a night before an important event. Simply apply these techniques and sort out which one suits your skin type and skin problem.

The best ways to get rid of pimples on nose fast and overnight.

Apply Ice on the affected area:

One of the most common and ancient techniques is to hold down the area to remove the blood supply or lower the temperature until it reaches the point where bacterial reproduction stops. However, never apply ice directly to the affected area but cover it in cloth and give cold compresses several times. Consequently, it will reduce the size of the pimple and also remove the dirt and excessive oil.

Apply toothpaste:

Toothpaste is one of the safest and quickest methods that you can use to remove the pimples overnight. Although applying toothpaste helps a lot in many ways but harsh or strong chemicals toothpaste that is specific for smokers is not good for the skin. , Use white toothpaste and apply overnight and cover it with gauze.

hydrogen peroxide:

Although hydrogen peroxide is well known for the removal of pimples as it dries the pimples and kills the bacteria but people with acne issues should not use this. Make sure to apply in a small area before applying on a larger surface. Always use Benzoyl peroxide with a 2.5% concentration to remove the pimples higher concentration will burn the area and make a permanent scar.

Lemon juice:

Lemon juice is well known for its anti-infectious qualities and therefore you need this ingredient at home all the time and Lemon juice has lighting as well anti-germ effect which removes infection and makes smooth skin.

Honey :

Similar to lemon honey also has the quality to fight infection and additionally, it’s a supernatural scar healer. Honey also plays a vital rule in regenerate the damaged skin and also heals up the pimple scar with clearing the infection.

Steam session:

If you are not prone to acne than steam is also a solution to remove the small pimple overnight. Simply it opens up the pores and removes the tangled dust or dirt and makes a place for a new skin cell to take over the dead ones.


Although garlic is a natural way you might have to bear some irritation and itching while applying the garlic on the pimple. However, it is a tried and tested way to get rid of prominent pimples in a few hours. Like some other techniques, this way is also not feasible for acne-prone skin.

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