Homemade face mask for acne and blackheads In 2025

Face Mask For Acne And Blackheads. Nowadays going out without wearing makeup is becoming a myth as usually people have lost the natural glow and beauty of the skin. Sometimes we can get rid of these harmful effects by just applying simple lotions and covering creams but that’s only a temporary solution. In fact, it is harmful to the skin also if used for a longer period of time.

Although we cannot deny the fact that people are more stressed and busy now then it was in the past. Most commonly people have to go out for work and sometimes you have more than enough exposure to sunlight and environmental pollutions. Consequently, it leads to an unhealthy and blemished skin tone. In fact, the blackheads are basically formed as a result of pollution exposure to the skin.

Instantly we try to opt for the easiest option and run behind the pharmaceuticals to solve the issue but once you have started using these products it becomes a burden on your pocket. However, some people have no effects on these super expensive creams also. Therefore the last and the most effective solution to these skin problems are homemade remedies. It can be used for the longest term and help in many ways and has no side effects that may damage the skin.

Here in this article, I am going to share with you a formula that can help you get rid of blackheads and blemish. In fact, it also constricts the pores which lead to the least blackheads production.

Blemish fighting face mask:

Mask contains all homemade products that will help in improving the skin texture without any harmful effects. Lemon juice widely used in skin remedies and especially one of the most natural cleansing agents.

Basically slight acidic nature of lemon juice makes it destroy the bacterial colonies and restrict the growth of fungus in the skin cells. Therefore it makes your skin look young and clear.

Baking soda on the other side is very helpful in exfoliating the damaged and dead skin cells that are the main reason for causing a blemish. However, honey is the natural moisturizer and enhances the natural skin cells to grow rapidly and improve the quality of the skin.

Ingredients needed:

  • Lemon Juice                                                      ½ teaspoon
  • Baking soda                                                      ½ teaspoon
  • Honey                                                                1 tablespoon

How to make and apply:

  • Add in a small bowl all ingredients and stir well until form a homogeneous paste.
  • Make sure to use freshly squeezed lemon juice and do not overuse the lemon in quantity as it may deepen the scars of acne or let the pores open wide.
  • Using soft brush apply on the neck and face area and focus on the areas where you have more blackhead production.
  • Now remove the mask with help of soft scrubber and then wash with slightly warm water to remove any residue.
  • Splash some cold water or just have a few minutes massage of ice cubes or veggies cubes to have the cooling effect. It will help in constructing the opened clean pores which lead to a further reduction in blackheads.
  • You can use this remedy 2-3 times a week as baking soda and lemon are strong agents and cannot be used on a daily basis.
  • Before using it on the whole face try on a patch of skin to make sure that you don’t have any kind of reaction to the ingredients.

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